Wednesday 13 March 2013

Sangiran Site

11 World Heritage Objects in Indonesia

Until this year there are 11 Indonesian objects out of approximately 890 objects around the world which are awarded as World Heritage by UNESCO. These World Heritage objects may get sponsored by World Heritage Fund under certain conditions. The World Heritage objects located in Indonesia are listed as follows: 

World Heritage of Culture : Indonesia has 3 World Heritage of Culture objects.

Sangiran Site

Sangiran site is recognized by UNESCO in 1996. It is an archeological site located in Central Java, administratively located in Sragen and Karanganyar districts. Initially research found that Sangiran is a dome called Sangiran Dome. The top of the dome is then opened through the process of erosion so that it forms a depression. In this depression we may find a soil layer that contains information about life in the past. In this site, we could find lots of information about the remains of past life. In addition, there is complete information about the history of early human life with all things surrounds them; living place, life pattern, animals that lived with them, and the process of landform within a period of not less than 2 million years ago.

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