Friday 5 July 2013

Marble Caves, Patagonia, Chile


The most beautiful caves in the world Marble Caves, Patagonia, Chile

Prepare yourself for admiring one of the most spectacular caves on our planet. It is not easy to reach the caverns, but this unforgettable journey is worth the effort!
The Marble Caves is geological formation of unusual beauty. These caves have formed in a pure marble and are bathed in the deep blue water of General Carrera Lake.

Blue water

The enormous General Carrera Lake is fed by rivers coming from several glaciers of Patagonian Andes.
The ice of glaciers contains small particles and, when the ice melts, many particles remain suspended in the water. This gives an unusual effect - the glacial meltwater is slightly turbid and it refracts the blue part of sunlight. Due to this the water of General Carrera Lake has a distinct blue color.

Marble monoliths

Near the small town Puerto Tranquilo cliffs of pure marble are rising from the lake water. Marble is exposed in peninsula some 5 km south-east from Puerto Tranquilo and in a group of islands (consisting of pure marble!) several kilometres north-east from the peninsula.
It has been calculated that the whole block of marble weighs 5 billion tons. The stone is in light grey color, with frequent darker striation.
This layer of marble was exposed by the movements of glacier during the Pleistocene epoch.
The geological history of Lake General Carrera is complex - lake has changed its outlet and multiple times has changed its level. Lake reached its present level some 6,200 years ago.

Caves, caverns, tunnels

Marble is sligthly soluble in water. Thus, when the lake reached its present level, the process of solution started at this level. The marble dissolved faster at the water surface - small seeps through the cracks in the marble made these fractures wider and waves washed away the dissolved material.
Thus, in a few thousand years time (very short time for geological processes) the interaction of the marble and blue water of lake formed a place of bewildering beauty - countless caves, mazes, columns and tunnels in the marble.
Larger, more imposing structures are Marble Cathedral and Marble Chapel. Marble Cathedral (Catedral de Mármol) is a small island at the peninsula but Marble Chapel (Capilla de Mármol) is a small marble island closer to the northern coast. One can stop his boat at one such island and take a walk... under the island, through the mazes and tunnels.
Marble Caves are little known internationally but those tourists, who come here, are very impressed. Tourists can rent boats in Puerto Tranquilo and take a guided tour to the marble peninsulas and islands. In some places boats go under the ground, through marble tunnels. Naturally, in bad weather boats can not drive near the caves.
Throughout the year the lights and colors in the caves change. In early spring the water is low and the caves have more natural-looking color. But in summer, when the level in the lake rises, the caves are partly inundated and get their eerie blue color. This area has much sun - bad weather stays in the other side of Andes.

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