Tuesday 22 October 2013

Venice, Italy

Venice is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world, due to the city’s being one of the world’s greatest and most beautiful cities of art. The city has an average of 50,000 tourists a day (2007 estimate). In 2006, it was the world’s 28th most internationally visited city, with 2.927 million international arrivals that year. Tourism has been a major sector of Venetian industry since the 18th century, when it was a major center for the Grand Tour, due to its beautiful cityscape, uniqueness, and rich musical and artistic cultural heritage. In the 19th century, it became a fashionable centre for the rich and famous, often staying or dining at luxury establishments such as the Danieli Hotel and the Caffè Florian. It continued being a fashionable city in vogue right into the early 20th century.

The most famous bridge in Venice is the Rialto Bridge being the first stone bridge made by Antonio da Ponte. Nowadays the traveling is made easier by hub operating from there. When looking at Venice, there is no quiet spot. This city is very populated and filled with tourists around the world almost all going to the food market apart from the post office. Palazzo Ducale is another must see in Venice. This represents the most Gothic architecture in the city with beautiful waterfront view. This Palace includes the Scala d’Oro, a ceremonial staircase and Sala del Maggior Consiglio a Councel Chamber. Palazzo Ducale was originally constructed in the 9th century and it is still filled with paintings that look like a museum.

The first thing tourists want to do in Venice is to go on the water bus tour around the city, a must do for all romantic dates. If you are more into music, art and food you want to go to the St. Mark’s Square surrounded by amazing buildings that make this place even more beautiful. Murano Island is for all those interested in glass sculptures demonstrations. For a walk in a park we recommend the Torcello Island. Getting into Venice and Italy as a whole is very easy. Venice’s Marco Polo Airport serves domestic and international flights so if coming from anywhere in the world it won’t be a hustle. There are also taxies and buses as a public transportation but the center’s main transportation is by water transport.

To keep some of the ancient spirits, Venice kept the six areas: Cannaregio, San Polo, Dorsoduro, Santa Croce, San Maroco and Castello consisting of parishes created in the 1170. Originally there were seventy areas in the 1033 split into today’s six.

The other islands in Venice don’t belong to any of the areas. They are all autonomous keeping separate house numbering system. At the front of the Gondolas in the city there are six notches on the Doge’s hat representing the six areas.

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